This is how you experience the great Australian outback on a budget !

When my good friend James told me that he had ripped his homemade camper trailer apart and wanted to re-construct with our aluminium extrusion I was impressed with his level of motivation. James had built his camper a few years back in a bit of a hurry when he and his wife had decided to take a year off and tour around Australia with their 2 kids. Although the camper was built on a bog-standard box trailer on a shoestring budget it had served them well and, in the process, he had built up a good understanding of what he needed to improve on. But stripping it down was a pretty bold move. When he casually mentioned that he was leaving for a trip to the Simpson desert in 2 weeks’ time I thought that he had overestimated his ability to get the job done.

It was obvious from the start, that James had been studying our catalogue. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he presented me with a detailed cut list and a list of accessories. Soon his camper trailer began to take shape in his garage. Every evening after work for the next two weeks he could be found toiling away in his garage.

True to his word, within two weeks he was saddled up and ready to head off into the wilderness. Although I did hear tales of him spending the first few nights on the road with his tools doing some last-minute alterations I was still impressed with the speed with which this project came together.
What an epic journey for this adventurous family. I’m sure that there will be plenty of modifications to this camper over the next few months and I am looking forward to the next adventure. It is always rewarding when our customers and friends share their experience with us.
A severe case of walkabout